Claudia Brieske & Franziska Baumann
Claudia Brieske (Berlin, D) studierte Malerei an der Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze und Freie Kunst an der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar.1997/98 war sie Stipendiatin der Stiftung für deutsch-französische kulturelle Zusammenarbeit, 2005 Förderstipendiatin der Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken, 2006 Preisträgerin des Videokunstpreises octobre rouge, Luxemburg und des SR Medienkunstpreises 2013. Sie ist Mitinitiatorin der internationalen Medienkunstprojekte Gegenort- The-Virtual-Mine (2001) und Virtual Residency (2007). Von 2002-11 arbeitete sie als künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar im Studiengang Freie Kunst und Media Art & Design. 2014-16 war sie Dozentin an der Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg (CH) für Video / Performance und seit 2016 kuratiert sie Kunstprojekte für Studierende am studierendenWERK Berlin. Sie realisiert als Künstlerin ortsspezifische Video- und Klanginstallationen. Die Beziehung zwischen Klang, Bild und Bewegung hat in ihrer Arbeit eine besondere Bedeutung und sie konnte sie durch diverse Teilnahmen an Festivals für Neue Musik und in der Arbeit an Tanz- und Theaterproduktionen in verschiedenen Richtungen weiterentwickeln.
Claudia Brieske (Berlin, D) studied Painting at Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze and Sculpture and New Genres at Academy of Fine Arts in Saar. In 1997-98 she was granted a scholarship by the Foundation for Franco-German Cultural Cooperation, as well as in 2005 by the city of Saarbrücken. In 2006 she received the Video Art Award of octobre rouge in Luxembourg and in 2013 the SR Media Art Award. Brieske is co-initiator of the international media art projects Gegenort- The-Virtual-Mine (2001) and Virtual Residency (2007). In 2002-11 she was working as an artist-researcher at the University of Fine Arts Saar in the study program Fine Art and Media Art & Design. In the years 2014-16 she was a lecturer at the Haute Ecole pédagogique Friborg (CH) for video/performance and since 2016 she has been curating art projects for students at the WK Berlin. As an artist, she realizes site-specific video and sound installations. The relationship between sound, image and movement has a special meaning in her work. Engagement in diverse activities in festivals for New Music and collaborations with dance and theater productions allowed her to develop her work in various directions.
Franziska Baumann (Berne, CH) is a swiss singer and a pioneer in extended vocal technique and interdisciplinary performance. She creates works that discloses at the intersection of voice and gesture, space and sound while striving to discover and weave together new modes of perception, vocal creation and its theatricality. She works in many fields including free improvisation, acoustic vocal performance, vocal performance art with live electronics, sound installation and interdisciplinary work. Her cross-border approach of music allows her to work with musicians from various backgrounds. She has been touring many parts of Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Baumann received numerous scholarships and funds for her work. In 1994 she was awarded the Young Composers Bern’s prize and in 2008 she received the Recognition Award from the Music Commission of the Canton of Bern. Baumann is lecturing for improvisation-composition and vocal performance at the Berne University of Music and works in collaboration with the BFH research projects Sound (without) Body (2007/08/15) and Gesture Performance (2009/10).